About me

Hi, my name is Zeinab. I am a prolific amateur self-taught hobby baker. The name for this blog comes from that fact that those close to my heart often call me Zen and also the fact that when I bake I am very Zenned out (I am also a long-time yogi who is into all things Zen!).  In other news I a mum of one two beautiful boys, wife and a Research Scientist living in London,UK.

Blogs are probably my favorite kind of social media and I find reading them always gives me lots of inspiration. I read them for a long time before thinking it might be nice to document my own baking, which gives me immense pleasure, as I also really love writing. So here it is, I find it continually provides inspiration to try new and fun things. I am not very good at updating often but I aim to do better. The same goes for the photographs - they may not be all that snazzy, as for the moment I have a standard shoot and print type of camera. I hope you enjoy the recipes!

If you have any queries about baking or nutrition science/consultancy drop me an email at thezenbaker@gmail.com